• CAVA’s classroom is stocked with a projector and screen that instructors use for powerpoint presentations. Educational presentations by instructors and therapists are available on our .
  • Clients use iPads and Mac Minis for individual work.
  • Anger Management — This class teaches methods for putting out the fires of anger and replacing it with compassionate communication. Clients learn to view anger in a new light, embracing it with mindfulness techniques.
  • Arts and Crafts Around the World — Clients focus on a country’s culture, art history, and crafts, creating crafts related to that country.
  • Healthy Relationships — Clients learn to master their emotions by gaining an understanding of the 5 basic emotions. This approach leads to more effective communication through clarity of feelings and wants. We emphasize listening and attention as techniques for creating stronger relationships.
  • Life Skills — Clients learn about budgeting and money management, as well as discuss hygiene and social skills.
  • Meet the Masters — This multi-faceted class combines art history, reflection, and art-making. Clients learn about artists like Frida Kahlo, Vincent Van Gogh, or Georgia O’Keeffe, and examples of their greatest works. Clients also discuss how mental illness and disabilities fueled many artists in their careers and how various artists’ work has impacted the world.
  • Mindful Photography — Clients practice mindfulness through photography, allowing them to be close to an object without losing focus. Clients learn both elements of composition and patience in observing the world.
  • Self-Care — Clients will be able to manage their self-care routine.
  • Wii Boogie — this class is a great way for clients to get moving and shake their tail-feathers to popular music which improves their mood and health.
  • Wood Working — Clients learn from accomplished instructors to design, construct, and finish functional wood pieces. Clients show and sell their pieces to the community at our biannual Maker’s Market, where they can earn a commission on their works.
  • Counseling – Group and Individual counseling, meeting separately, offers benefits to those clients willing to participate.

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